Tardy Policy - Política de Tardanzas
At R.B. Stall High School we believe that success in school is dependent upon punctual, regular attendance. Tardiness has a direct correlation to poor student performance and is detrimental to the learning environment.
The student's responsibility is to consistently improve personal success in utilizing hallway time and planning the quickest route, while still moving safely within the hallways. Teachers will encourage students, and parents will support students, but it is essentially the student's responsibility to BE ON TIME!
The teacher's responsibility is to encourage students to discover the best routine for the most efficient use of passing time. Teachers will stand at their classroom doors to supervise students during passing time and to encourage students to be punctual to class.
The parent's responsibility is to discuss this policy with their child - reinforcing the student's ability to meet this responsibility of learning promptness - while supporting the necessary consequences in order to prevent chronic tardiness
Tardy Consequences
1 - 4 Tardies - Email/Contact home Notification: Parents and students will receive an email notification. The truancy team will run a daily report from Simpleschools sorted by the number of tardies. A member of the team will run a quick export bulk email using student IDs and a standard message.
5-6 Tardies - Talking Points Text Message Notification: Parents will receive a Talking Points text message stating the number of tardies and the consequences when the student reaches 7 tardies. Using the same daily report sorted by tardies, a member of the team will select all students with 5-6 tardies in the Talking Points platform and send a standard message. The list of students with 5 or more tardies will be shared with the Academy Admin team daily by 2:30 with the academy team processing disciplinary action for students with 7 or more.
7+ Tardies - Conditional Suspension, Shared Responsibility, IPS Intervention: Academy Admin Teams will determine disciplinary actions for students with 7 or more tardies. Usually 7- 10 tardies, will result in a conditional suspension. As students accumulate excessive tardies, the IPS staffing team may choose other interventions.
Late Bus Passes
If a student is tardy because of a late bus, an administrator will issue a bus pass. This pass is active for 10 minutes to give the student the opportunity to eat a quick breakfast, obtain an ID, and walk to class.
Students are expected to wear their ID at all times. Students are not allowed to enter the classroom without an ID. Students should notify the 1st period teacher if they do not have their permanent ID. The teacher will complete the google form and the student will be provided a temporary ID.
Please note: After five temporary IDs are issued, a permanent ID will be provided to the student. A $5 fee will be assigned to the student's account and parent email will be sent to the student and parent regarding the charge.