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Electronic Device Policy - Política de Dispositivos Electrónicos

Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Devices: Cellular Phones, i-Pads/Tablets, CD/MP3 Players, iPods, etc.


During the school day, phones, and devices may be used during classroom exchanges, during lunch, and before and after school but never during class, assemblies, or After School Program.


When may communication devices be used?

  1. Prior to 8:30 a.m.
  2. During lunch
  3. After 3:30 p.m. unless in an after-school class or detention

Where communication devices may be used?

Common Areas: Cafeteria, and Courtyard (not classrooms/ instructional areas). 

The Media Center is an instructional area for students who are using the library/media center with a class or who are sent by teachers for classroom assignments. Students may use communication devices in offices only with the permission of the staff member present.


Who is responsible if the device is lost or stolen?

The student must secure his/ her device at all times and never leave it unattended. Students should guard against theft as they would in any public building or area. Theft of such devices is a major problem in schools, and often the devices cannot be recovered. Students should keep the devices on their persons at all times or locked away. School personnel and /or administrators are not responsible for the loss or damage of any cell phone or device brought on school property. Learning will not be interrupted to locate electronic devices or chargers, earbuds, etc.



  1. Communication Devices may not be used during instructional time.* 
  2. Speaker functions may not be used at any time. Music or conversations should not be heard by others.
  3. Headphones, earbuds, and Bluetooth devices must be removed during instructional time and during classroom exchanges.
  4. Ringtones have to be placed on “vibrate” or “silent.”
  5. Students may not activate the video, camera, or sound recording function of the device at any time unless they are acting pursuant to the explicit instructions of a teacher or administrator.
  6. Students must still follow all school rules while operating communication devices. Not being able to hear or see directives will never serve as an acceptable excuse for non-compliance.
  7. If students use communication devices to illegally enhance their own academic performance or another student’s performance, the student(s) involved will receive additional severe consequences for academic dishonesty and may be banned from having such a device for the remainder of their attendance in CCSD schools.
  8. If students use the communication devices to engage in illegal or unethical behavior such as bullying, harassing, threatening, or intimidating, the students involved will receive additional severe consequences for such conduct and may be banned from having such a device for the remainder of their attendance in CCSD schools.


Consequences for Violations When Student Gives Phone to Teacher

If communication devices are in violation of the Electronic Device Policy, they will be confiscated by teacher. Consequences will include:


What Happens to the Device?

Discipline Consequence


Student picks up at the end of the school day from teacher.

Losing device for the day and phone call home from teacher.


Parent picks up at the end of the next school day from front office.

Losing device for an additional day; parent must pick up


Parent picks up at readmit conference with Administrator.



Parent picks up at readmit conference with Administrator.

2 days Out-of-School Suspension
School  Contract

Each student is under the direct control of all staff members and their substitutes. Failure to turn over immediately a communication device to a staff member when requested will result in severe disciplinary action (Refusal to Obey).  The offense is no longer the device only, but is now also refusal to obey the directive of the school official.