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R. B. Stall High School

Attendance Q & A

Q: Do I need to have an I.D. to sign my student out?

A: Yes, for security reasons, you will ALWAYS need an I.D. to sign-out students.

Q: Can I sign my student out over the phone?

A: No, for security reasons, you will need to come to the attendance office with your I.D. to sign a student out.

Q: Can I send someone not on my student’s emergency card to sign them out?

A: Yes, you will need to provide a signed letter granting permission for the assigned person to sign out your student. You will also receive a call to verify. Please make sure the person picking up your student brings their I.D.

Q: Is there a cut off time to sign students out?

A: Yes, the FIRM cut off time is 2:50 pm.

Q: What are some examples of excused absences?

A: Doctor’s appointment, illness of the student, death in the immediate family, religious holidays, and principal approved absences.

Q: How are absences excused?

A: Students are to turn in excuse notes directly to the attendance office. Handwritten excuse notes must be signed by parent/guardian. Absences will only be excused after an excuse not is received and processed. Excuse notes must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. Phone calls and voicemails cannot be accepted as excuse notes.

Q: Can a student fail due to absences?

A: Yes, students can fail to earn credit in their classes due to excessive absences. Students will be required to make up seat time to recover absences.

Q: Will my student be dropped for not attending school?

A: Yes, a student can be dropped for excessive unexcused absences.

Q: What is truancy?

A: A student is considered truant when:  He/She misses three (3) consecutive days without written or legal documentation or when He/She misses five (5) non-consecutive days without written or legal documentation.

Q: How can I reach the truancy department?

A: You can reach Mrs. Singleton at 843-207-3715 or Mrs. De La Cruz at 843-764-2200

Please contact Ms. Gadsden, the attendance clerk, if you have any additional questions.

843-764-2200 ext.  1011
